What Fruits are Good for Dogs

What Fruits are Good for Dogs? Great options for your pet!

What Fruits are Good for Dogs?

Here’s some great information about fruits that are good for dogs.

Fortunately, the list is long for fruits that are good for dogs, and for people too for that matter.  Experts advise that we get daily servings of fruit, and who doesn’t want to share what we eat with our favorite furry friend.  On the other hand, be sure to have a look at the verboten list as well.   And as always, moderation is advised.  Also, if you have any questions, please remember to consult your veterinarian.  One caveat on this acceptable fruit list – we’re talking below about fresh fruits, not canned.  Canned fruits have lots of sugars and additives typically that could present problems that we aren’t addressing below with our fresh fruit suggestions.  Not a complete list but here’s some of our favorite fruits for Fido.

1. Apples are a great fruit for dogs

Apples are a great fruit for dogsApples are a great source of vitamins A and C, and some fiber for your dog as well, good for you too.  They’re low in fat, but also low in protein.  Dogs usually love the crunch and sweetness and apples can help to remove some residue that can build up on their teeth.  Cube them up and freeze them (so they’ll last longer) and she’ll enjoy them as a great summer treat, and apples help satisfy their sweet tooth better than the sweets we shouldn’t be giving them, especially chocolate.  Be sure they don’t get any seeds though as apple seeds are toxic.

2. Yes, we have no Bananas – kidding, we do!

Bananas are one of Sunny’s super treats.  We cut them up in small pieces and freeze them in freezer bags for a special snack. (that also gives us frozen banana bits to add to our smoothies) They’re loaded with potassium and vitamin B6 (helps with blood pressure and cognitive functions), magnesium (strengthens muscles) calcium, good for the bones, vitamin C an antioxidant and fiber, helpful in digestion.  They are high in sugar though, so don’t overdo it, but for the really good boy, well he’ll sure appreciate it.  If your pooch has a weight problems be sure to limit bananas, or serve in smaller quantities, but you’ll definitely want to keep some around for them.

3.  Bow wow for Berries!

There are a lot of different types of berries that Sunny likes; blueberries, cranberries, raspberries and strawberries.  Lucky enough for him, they’re all acceptable and delish! Blueberries are really a superfood, packed with fiber, great for dogs and humans alike.  Toss them in the air and see if she can catch them!  We don’t eat fresh cranberries often but use the dried ones on salad, and these are great, but high in sugar as dried fruits tend to be, so like a lot of things we only give them infrequently.  Raspberries, another fruit high in antioxidants, they’re also low in sugar and calories, but contain high fiber levels with manganese and vitamin C as well.  Great for senior dogs as they have anti-inflammatory qualities which may help aging joints.  They do have traces of xylitol though so not too many.  Strawberries have lots of fiber and vitamin C and also an enzyme that can help whiten their teeth!  Yes!  But, they also have a good amount of sugar, so…

4.  Cucumbers are fruit?

Cucumbers are fruitYeah, another one of those technicalities, but cucumbers are fruit.  They’re really a fit for overweight dogs because they have virtually no carbs, oil or fat, loaded with biotin, copper, magnesium and potassium and vitamins B1, C and K as well.  Full disclosure though these are not Sunny approved.  He’ll take anything he’s offered (wait until you see the veggie list) and he’ll take a cucumber slice, but we’ll find it later somewhere – uneaten.  Would love to hear your pup enjoys them, and maybe we can get the two of them together to share notes.

5.  You’re one in a Melon

Melons like watermelon are a great source of vitamins A, B6 and C and potassium as well.  Cantaloupe and Honeydew have lots of nutrients and are low in calories.  Watermelon is around 92 percent water, so can help to keep them hydrated on hot summer days.  Who doesn’t love some cold watermelon in the summer?  Most melons are high in sugar, so with the weight conscious pups, you’ll want to limit, and be sure they never get any seeds or rinds which can cause upset tummies or can even be toxic.

6.  Mango, YES!

One of our favorite fruits that I found later in life, thanks to the Mrs, and thankfully the east coast of Florida where we live has mango trees everywhere.  And trust me, as good as the ones you can get at the grocery store are, the ones we get locally grown, especially the lower pulp varieties are heavenly.  These delightful fruit are full of 4 different vitamins, A, B6, C and E.  Mangoes also have alpha and beta-carotene and potassium.  Another fruit high in sugar, so watch for too much with the dieters.  Mangoes contain a pit, like a lot of other fruits so be careful there that they don’t get that as it contains small amounts of cyanide.

7.  Peachey Keen

Peachey KeenBoy we sure love peaches and nectarines here in our house, and so will your pup.  They’re high in anti-oxidants, vitamins A and C, and fiber.  Are you seeing a trend yet?  Another one high in sugar though so keep the quantity down.  But the next time you’re enjoying a bowl of fresh peaches with vanilla ice cream, or working on the cobbler, save a few fresh pieces to treat the pooch or set a few aside to freeze!  Like other pitted fruits though, be mindful of them.

8.  Pears

Yup, pears are a good treat as well, chock full of vitamins A, C and plenty of fiber.  Seeds have traces of cyanide so please be mindful of that, and the high sugar content as we’ve mentioned many times before.  We haven’t tried pears too much with Sunny, only because we don’t eat them that often.  It’s not that we don’t like, just haven’t found varieties that we crave like some of our other favs.

9. Pineapple is neither pine nor apple

Pineapple is a really special treat for us in Florida as a lot are grown here, so we can get them super fresh.  There’s a ‘stand’ a few miles from our house where for a short time in the summer, cars are lined up on Saturdays until they sell out.  It’s a brief window, but wow, are they good!  We even have a couple growing in one of the flower beds, but they take awhile, so we’re waiting.  Pineapples have lots of vitamin C,  and B6 as well.  In them you’ll also find folate, niacin, riboflavin and thiamin, along with minerals like copper, manganese, magnesium and potassium.  Also iron and trace amounts of calcium, phosphorus and zinc.  They’re really considered nutrient-dense, great for humans and dogs alike, and important for immune and digestive health.  They’re high in fiber, but sugar also, so, well you know.

So that’s a wrap

That’s a great start to fruits that you can feed the pup.  We’ve consistently fed Sunny fruit and vegetable ‘treats’ when training and still do.  He loves his fruit, fresh or frozen and on the veggie side, absolutely drools for frozen green beans.  Yeah, whooda thought, but it is what it is.  Be sure to comment on what your furry friend’s favorite fruit snacks are, and mosey on over to the Featured Friends page and send us your pup’s Bio and Pic.  We love to connect with others smitten with the fur world, and would welcome your feedback below as well.


El Jefe


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